In Seattle, where so many evergreen shrubs thrive, it is easy to plant a garden that is green year-round. Still, it is a shame to forget about deciduous shrubs and trees whose bark and branch structure can add sculptural beauty and pops of color to the winter garden. Not to mention there's herbaceous grasses, whose summer green turns to glorious shades of gold and brown. Here are some stars of the winter landscape: Cornus ‘Midwinter Fire’ (Red twig dogwood)- This shrub is attractive in summer, with bushy green leaves and white flowers, but truly spectacular in winter when the branches glow in fiery shades of orange and red. Plant it where you can see it on a grey and gloomy day. The ... Read More
Seattle Winter Garden Fragrance
What is that smell? Walk around Seattle on a grey winter day and you might find yourself chasing after that scent of spring somewhere in your neighbor’s garden. It might still be cold and wet, but some plants like to bloom during winter and send out some perfume to attract pollinators. Sarcococca (Sweet Box) – (above photo) You may barely notice this evergreen plant’s demure white blooms in winter, but you will definitely smell them, and you will definitely want to lean in closer and smell them again. Viburnum x bodnantense 'Pink Dawn' (Dawn Viburnum) - Most Viburnums like to flower in spring and summer, but not this one. Instead, you’ll notice it in winter when is covered in ... Read More
Winter Flower Box Recipe
Looking for plants that can be used in flower boxes or containers and look great all winter? Here's a combination that will have lasting flowers and color, and will also be hardy enough to withstand the outdoor temperatures of the Pacific Northwest. These are the plants used in order from left to right, based on the above photo: Coral Bells: Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' Wire Vine: Muhlenbeckia complexa Pansy: Pansy 'Delta Premium White' Hardy Cyclamen: Cyclamen 'Laser Synchro Purple' Hardy Cyclamen: Cyclamen 'Laser Rose' I personally like using slight variations of similar colors, which is why I chose to use two different pink/magenta Cyclamens. The Cyclamens and ... Read More
Best Plant for Seattle Fall Color
This plant Continus obovatus 'Grace' (Smoke Tree) is a stunning plant for fall color in Seattle. The colors in these pictures almost look fake- but they are accurately portraying this plants amazing vibrancy. I noticed this plant during a walk and just had to document it. I've been wanting to use it in my designs, but haven't had the perfect spot for it yet. Now I'm going to be vying for it in yards that need a feature plant. This specimen has been well cared for, as you can see with its open shape. The leaves will soon be falling off, but in Spring there will be new growth that will be reddish green. The plant has pinkish blooms that also come out in Spring and are very fuzzy, which is ... Read More
Striking Winter Plant Picks
These three plants have caught my attention this winter because they are each striking in their own way. I like to keep track of the way a plant looks all year round so that I can recommend a variety of winter interest plants for my clients' gardens. The Yellowtwig Dogwood is a well known choice for winter gardens, along with its similar variety, the Redtwig Dogwood. This is a plant that will lose its leaves around November, and be completely bare by now, in mid January. A great plant pick to go against the backdrop of a solid evergreen, or to poke out amongst shorter shrubs. This grass, Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' is often chosen for its architectural qualities- tall, ... Read More