In Seattle, where so many evergreen shrubs thrive, it is easy to plant a garden that is green year-round. Still, it is a shame to forget about deciduous shrubs and trees whose bark and branch structure can add sculptural beauty and pops of color to the winter garden. Not to mention there's herbaceous grasses, whose summer green turns to glorious shades of gold and brown. Here are some stars of the winter landscape: Cornus ‘Midwinter Fire’ (Red twig dogwood)- This shrub is attractive in summer, with bushy green leaves and white flowers, but truly spectacular in winter when the branches glow in fiery shades of orange and red. Plant it where you can see it on a grey and gloomy day. The ... Read More
Seattle Winter Garden Fragrance
What is that smell? Walk around Seattle on a grey winter day and you might find yourself chasing after that scent of spring somewhere in your neighbor’s garden. It might still be cold and wet, but some plants like to bloom during winter and send out some perfume to attract pollinators. Sarcococca (Sweet Box) – (above photo) You may barely notice this evergreen plant’s demure white blooms in winter, but you will definitely smell them, and you will definitely want to lean in closer and smell them again. Viburnum x bodnantense 'Pink Dawn' (Dawn Viburnum) - Most Viburnums like to flower in spring and summer, but not this one. Instead, you’ll notice it in winter when is covered in ... Read More
Sources for General PNW Plant Information
The amount of information available these days is daunting. Furthermore, it is easy to find information that is conflicting, outdated, not relevant (to your climate, etc.), and unfortunately, incorrect. Choosing reputable sources and triangulating your sources will lead to the best quality information. Here are some sources that are highly regarded as knowledgeable and reputable to help you answer your general plant and gardening questions. Books: (click on images) Sunset Western Garden Book (an essential guide, lists every species you can grow here) The Ann Lovejoy Handbook of Northwest Gardening by Ann Lovejoy Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades by Steve ... Read More
How to Prune Hydrangeas in the PNW
There are several categories of hydrangeas and knowing what type you have will help you choose the best pruning method for your plant and your goals. The major types of hydrangeas are: Bigleaf hydrangeas/Hydrangea macrophyla (including the subcategories of mophead, lacecap, and mountain); Panicle hydrangeas/Hydrangea paniculata; Smooth hydrangeas/Hydrangea arborescens; Oakleaf hydrangeas/Hydrangea quercifolia and, Climbing hydrangeas/Hydrangea petiolaris. There are also several pruning methods and picking a method should be based on your garden goals. Examples of pruning goals are: controlling size, renovating a shrub, deadheading, or tidying and shaping. Generally, hydrangeas are ... Read More
Winter Flower Box Recipe
Looking for plants that can be used in flower boxes or containers and look great all winter? Here's a combination that will have lasting flowers and color, and will also be hardy enough to withstand the outdoor temperatures of the Pacific Northwest. These are the plants used in order from left to right, based on the above photo: Coral Bells: Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' Wire Vine: Muhlenbeckia complexa Pansy: Pansy 'Delta Premium White' Hardy Cyclamen: Cyclamen 'Laser Synchro Purple' Hardy Cyclamen: Cyclamen 'Laser Rose' I personally like using slight variations of similar colors, which is why I chose to use two different pink/magenta Cyclamens. The Cyclamens and ... Read More
Vitamin N
Richard Louv is an author known for coining the term 'Nature-Deficit Disorder'. His groundbreaking book Last Child in the Woods helped establish him as a thought leader in the current movement to help children re-embrace nature and unplug from their overly digitized lives. His second book, The Nature Principle, addressed the need for both adults and children alike to connect with nature in meaningful ways. His third and most recent book, Vitamin N, is more like a how-to manual on connecting with nature, offering practical tips and methods for engaging with nature on a daily basis. I have known Richard and his family since childhood, since he is a longtime friend of my parents. Our ... Read More
Garden Coloring Book
Following the trend of coloring books for adults, I have self published a coloring book based on my garden designs, now available on my other blog: It was hugely successful at the NW Flower and Garden Show where I sold out, and now I'm figuring out other avenues to promote it. The coloring book features hand-drawn illustrations of gardens I've either designed, visited or imagined. I try to make sure there is a sense of depth and perspective, which draws colorists into the scene. I often find myself lost in the garden I'm drawing, and my hope is that it provides a restful escape for the viewer. Please check it out! Click here to see more pages of the ... Read More
Sample Page- Planting Plan Book
I'm working on an upcoming e-book of planting plans for common situations. There has been a lot of interest in this book from the Garden Show! Join the waiting list for the e-book and receive a discount as well as a notification of when it will be available. -Erin Join the Waitlist for the Planting Plans book & Get 10% off! * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Save Save ... Read More
Announcing New Blog!
I've started to blog at a new site of mine called Drawn to Garden. This blog will cover the transformation of my own garden, as well as client case studies, garden inspiration, plant profiles, and interviews with other designers and more. I hope to feature lots of sketches that have turned into real gardens, and reach a wider audience outside of Seattle. Please visit my new blog and let me know what you think! -Erin ... Read More
Getting Ready for the Garden Show!
We're getting ready for the NW Flower and Garden Show here at Erin Lau Design! It's starting next week on Weds the 17th and runs thru Sunday the 21st. Come visit our booth (#2418 in the Plant Market) to buy a selection of blooming Hellebores as well as stepable ground covers such as Spikemoss. We're teaming up with Lacewing Fine Gardening and Botanical Design to bring you amazing fresh flower arrangements and other botanical crafts. Erin has been working on some great new garden manuals and how-to guides, so please stop by and take a look- it might just be the perfect thing to get your garden going this year! What are you excited about doing at the Garden Show? What would you like Erin ... Read More